Dina Keswani, Executive MBA '09
Dina Keswani, Executive MBA 09

Monday, January 21, 2008

The pendulum swings back.

I hope your new year has kicked off with a good start! So much has happened since the last time we connected, and I am excited to provide you an insight on the same.

The spring 08 semester commenced in Ithaca, on January 7th.I arrived in Ithaca a little earlier than otherwise planned, to attend an optional Microeconomics course related - 'boot camp' and to also witness my first CU hockey game. The game took place on Saturday evening, and was just simply super. Big Red won 4 to 3 against team Niagara! It is an event that will always bring back fond memories of Ithaca, promoting that enthusiastic student spirit. Attending a CU hockey game is a must, if you ever visit Ithaca. The following site has a list of all the crucial chants/ cheers that were heard at Lynah Stadium during the game http://www.elynah.com/?cheers., to help you get into the groove and all pumped up for a game!

On the academic front, I am glad I attended the boot camp on Sunday.It refreshed some of those key basic concepts, and helped me as I prepared for the Economics quiz that followed immediately next morning. Overall, during the residence session I gained fundamental exposure into the world of Negotiations, Cost accounting, Operations and Microeconomics. The Negotiations course had simulation based cases discussed each day and gave an opportunity to team up with classmates with whom I had not worked with before. This made the simulation experience even more enlightening. The Cost accounting course (or as the professor likes to call it -"MLO Part 2") did alleviate connecting the dots between strategic business planning and cost management.

We have two 'mini-traditions' in the Executive MBA program. One is to go to a CU hockey game at Lynah Rink before the residential session starts and the other being students/faculty, once the game is over, visit the home of the Associate Dean, Doug Stayman, for an after game 'celebration' (win or lose, of course). Although I could not attend the dinner that evening, later during the week however I did. Doug and his wife Geri, generously opened their home to all 09's for a dinner event. That event was a good social destresser, as I enjoyed networking with faculty and classmates, over drinks and a scrumptious dinner, that the Stayman's specially organized for the evening.

Another highlight of the residence session, was the delightfully interesting guest speaker talk by Professor Bob Frank.He is one of the authors of our Microeconomics course book.Professor Frank's recent books have attracted international attention, and he is very much in demand for talks to Johnson School and Cornell groups across the country. Do take a look at his personal website http://www.robert-h-frank.com/. He is clearly one of Cornell's star faculty members!

This time around, with only a week's gap, between the session in Ithaca and Palisades, it was surely crunch time to prepare for school deliverables. The best way to approach such circumstances that are bound to cause a wobble in your pendulum swing, is to stay healthy, stay focused, and continue to sparkle with laughter and that sense of humor - all required armor.